Can Time be Stretched?

Hello again. It is a beautiful day in Orlando and I have a new charge in my life. My 9 year old grandson has come to live with me. He needed a change of scenery and I volunteered to help make that happen. The decision was made while I was visiting Texas during Spring Break. I knew there was a possibility that he would return to Florida with me but I was not 100% sure until I purchased his plane ticket on Saturday, the day before we left.

Before his arrival, I really did not feel I had any extra time. Between a full time job and a full time load of classes (5 courses) at UCF, I was already unable to find time for visiting with friends, reading, movies or anything extracurricular. Nose in the books at work and at school had me stumped for finding more time.  Well, by throwing a precocious, hyperactive, nine year old into that schedule, I now realize I had much more time than I imagined!

My grandson could be considered high maintenance and such a large life change has not been an easy one for him. How could it be? He is only nine and left behind everything he has really ever known. Although, family is only a phone call away, it is still a major transition for him and for me. We are working through it together. The week I went to Texas, he was on Spring Break, now Orlando schools are on Spring Break so we have had quite a bit of time together. I think we will both be glad when he returns to school and I return to less eventful week days.